动物篇 动物篇

溶酶体 III

发布时间:2023-09-27 文章来源:本站原创 阅读量:121




Fig. 1. Lipofuscin granules found in the myocardium of an elderly man. As pathology students well know, in the condition called brown atrophy of the heart such granules are abundant adjacent to the poles of the elongated nuclei of myocardial cells. This well known relationship of the pigment (P) to the nucleus (N) is demonstrated i n this electron micrograph. X 1 8500 Fig. 2. High-powe r view of l ipofuscin granules from the same specimen as Fig. 1. Not e the characteristic dense granules, lipid droplets (L) and membran e surrounding the granules (arrows). X 45.000 Fig. 3. Lipofuscin granules found in an atrophic deltoid muscle of man. Not e once again the presence of dense granular material and lipid droplets (L). X 23000

1. 在一位老人的心肌中发现的脂褐素颗粒。 正如病理学学生所熟知的那样,在心脏棕色萎缩的情况下,这种颗粒在心肌细胞细长的细胞核的两极附近大量存在。 这张电子显微照片证明了颜料 (P) 与核 (N) 之间众所周知的关系。 X 1 8500

2. 来自与图 1 相同样本的脂褐素颗粒的高倍视图。注意特征性致密颗粒、脂滴 (L) 和颗粒周围的膜(箭头)。 X 45.000 3. 在人类萎缩的三角肌中发现的脂褐素颗粒。 再次注意致密颗粒材料和脂滴 (L) 的存在。 23000×

大鼠大脑皮层神经元中的脂褐素 注意特征颗粒电子密度含量和脂滴 (L)X 34 000

Fig. 1. These lipofuscin granules, composed of numerous dense granules and unusually l arge l ipid droplets (L), were found in the l iver tissue adjacent to a huma n hepatoma. Th e limiting membrane of these lysosomal bodies is discernible in some places (arrows). X 27000 (From Ghadially and Parry, 1966a) Fig. 2. Lipofuscin granules found in huma n gall-bladder epithelium. Here the l ipid droplets (L) are small and numerous. X 26 000 Fig. 3. In these lipofusin granules, found in a huma n synovial i ntimal cell, the electron-dense granular material is compacted and difficult to discern. Not e once again the characteristic lipid droplets (L) and the enveloping membran e (arrows). X 60000 (From Ghadially and Roy, 1969)

1. 这些脂褐质颗粒由许多致密颗粒和异常大的脂滴 (L) 组成,在人类肝癌附近的肝组织中发现。 这些溶酶体的限制膜在某些地方是可以辨别的(箭头)。 X 27000(来自 Ghadially Parry1966a

2. 在人胆囊上皮中发现的脂褐质颗粒。 这里的脂滴 (L) 小且数量多。 X 26 000

3. 在人类滑膜内膜细胞中发现的这些脂褐质颗粒中,电子致密颗粒材料被压实且难以辨别。 再次注意特征脂滴(L)和包膜(箭头)。 X 60000(来自 Ghadially Roy1969 年)
